College and Career Readiness Resources

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Transition Planning Checklist

This document is used as a resource for checking components of the Transition IEP.

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Transition Plan Crosss Reference

This document correlates the items on the Transition Compliance Rubric with the actual format of the plan.

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Circles of Adults Focusing on Education(C.A.F.E.) Dialogue Implementation Guide

A C.A.F.E. (Circle of Adults Focusing on Education), is a collaborative stakeholder team, at the local school and/or school district level, created to address an identified need.

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NSTTAC Age Appropriate Transition Assessment Toolkit 3rd Edition

The National Secondary Transition Technical Assistance Center (NSTTAC) has published this toolkit which includes information on conducting transition assessments and a comprehensive listing of age-appropirate transition assessments.  The toolkit is available on NSTTAC's website at  It is also attached below.

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NSTTAC Indicator 13 Checklist Form B

This multiple column form meets the requirements for collecting and reporting data on Indicator 13, allows a school, district, or state to more deeply analyze professional development and program change needs by providing data on each item for each postsecondary goal area.

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NSTTAC Indicator 13 Checklist Form A

This single column form is designed to meet the minimum requirements for collecting and reporting data on Indicator 13 of the Part B State Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report. It allows a school, district, or state to review the data for each item simultaneously across all postsecondary goal areas.  The form was developed by the National Secondary Transition Technical Assistance Center.

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Georgia Transition Services Plan

This model transiton services plan was developed by the Georgia Department of Education, Division for Special Education Services and Supports.  It contains the required transition components.

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Tips for Writing Transition Plans

This document, which provides practical suggestions for writing transition plans, was written by Judy Youmans, a transition specialist from Houston County Schools.

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Step By Step Transition Plan Writing

In this document, Step By Step Transition Plan Writing, Allison Verson from Gwinnett County Schools, provides information for IEP teams to assist them in writing compliant transition plans. Practical information is provided for completing each section of the transition plan.  

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