Georgia SPDG

Georgia Transition Services Plan

This model transiton services plan was developed by the Georgia Department of Education, Division for Special Education Services and Supports.  It contains the required transition components.

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Tips for Writing Transition Plans

This document, which provides practical suggestions for writing transition plans, was written by Judy Youmans, a transition specialist from Houston County Schools.

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TRANSITION-A Key to Better Post-Secondary Options for Students with Disabilities

The successful transition of students with disabilities from school to post school environments should be a priority of everyone who works with them in secondary education and beyond.  This includes parents, teachers, and any other professionals involved in the student's life. The purpose of transition is to assist students with disabilities in building the skills and supports that they need to successfully reach their post-school goals.

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Step By Step Transition Plan Writing

In this document, Step By Step Transition Plan Writing, Allison Verson from Gwinnett County Schools, provides information for IEP teams to assist them in writing compliant transition plans. Practical information is provided for completing each section of the transition plan.  

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School Districts Complete Hitting the Mark- Transition Plan Writing Training

For the last decade, the Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE), Division for Special Education Services and Supports, has been working to improve district compliance with secondary transition requirements reported annually in Indicator 13 of the State Performance Plan/Annual Performance Report.

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Georgia DOE Self-determination Guide

The Georgia Department of Education's Self-determination Guide contains information about the importance of self-determination skills and includes strategies to assist educators, and families in building self-determination skills in students from early childhood through high school.  A  teacher's guide for promoting self-determination skills and increasing student participation in the IEP process is included in the guide.  Information is also included for parents to assist them in helping their children make informed decisions as they transition into adulthood.

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Helping Students Develop Their IEPs

This technical assistance guide was developed by the National Dissemination Center for CHildren with Disabilities for parents and teachers who would like to help students with disabilities become more involved in developing their own Individualized Education Programs (IEPs).

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Developing Your Child's IEP

This document was developed by NICHY, the National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities, to assist parents in understanding the special education process. Information is inlcuded on IEPs and determining special education placement. 
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