College and Career Readiness Partners

The Georgia SPDG has leveraged two national technical assistance centers to support the transtion components of the College and Career Readiness Initiaitve.  The partners have been involved in designing initiaitve activities and are providing professional learning  for initiative and school district staff.  In addition, they will provide an array of resources related to the implementation of evidence-based transtion practices.  The partners are:

National Secondary Transition Technical Assistance Center (NSTTAC): Provides technical assistance (TA) and disseminate information on (a) implementing and scaling up evidence-based practices leading to improved academic and functional achievement for students with disabilities, preparing them for college or other postsecondary education and training and the workforce; (b) implementing policies, procedures, and practices to facilitate and increase participation of students with disabilities in programs and initiatives designed to ensure college- and career-readiness; and (c) achieving  100% compliance with IDEA, Part B Indicator 13 (I-13). 

For additional information about NSTTAC, please visit the center's website.


The Transition Coalition:   Provides online information, support, and professional development on topics related to the transition from school to adult life for youth with disabilitiesCustomized training for districts and states is developed to meet each entity's specific needs. Our approach includes self-assessment, various training techniques including online and face-to-face training as well as social networking, and includes ongoing technical assistance and support.

For additional information about the Transition Coalition, please visit the center's website.