GraduateFIRST Best Practice Forum presentations and handout ppts. and attachments are available by selecting the attachment.
GraduateFIRST Best Practice Forum Middle School Agenda
360 Degrees of Family Engagement-Middle School-ppt
Clearing the Hurdles to Career and College-Middle School
Getting to the Core of School Improvement-Mission Possible
Target Behaviors Functional Based Toolbox-ppt
Functional Based Functional Toolbox Handout
GraduateFIRST: A System of Support -General Session II-ppt
Initiative Overload -Making it Work-ppt
Strategies for Cultivating CCRPI -ppt
Every Day Matters in Attendance
Selecting Evidence Based Practices to Improve Student Outcomes-ppt
Selecting Evidence Based Practices-Handout
Accommodations for Students with Disabilities
Got Parents? It Does Achievement Good!